Having your own hot tub is like being on a holiday that never ends, which is why people who own hot tubs enjoy using them on a regular basis. The mental and physical health benefits are enormous, from massaging joints and muscles to helping with insomnia and anxiety. These are often key reasons why so many of the population adore these products.
However, neglect of water chemistry and hot tub maintenance can damage and even cause skin irritations, therefore the maintenance and care for your hot tub should be looked at as a priority. The hot water extracts the natural oils of our body which includes germs, dirt, lotion, and other similar water impurities.
UK Made Hot Tub Cleaning / Maintenance Chemicals are exclusive to Award Leisure Retail Franchise. Our range of aftermarket products are both essential and provide add on value for you. Customers adore the flavours available in the Spa Mate aromatherapy range.
Hot Tub maintenance is not only vital for health reasons, but also for the protection of the product. Poor water chemistry can lead to speakers and jets within the spa to get damaged and void warranty because of poor after care. Our franchise network provides all customers with extensive chemical training and a free spa school with every delivery.
All of our UK showrooms take huge measures to ensure all display spas are in line with BISHTA regulation and pose no threat to the public or Award Leisure staff. In light of the recent COVID19 pandemic
There is no evidence that COVID-19 can be spread to humans through the use of pools and hot tubs. Proper operation, maintenance, and chemical use of pools and hot tubs should remove or inactivate the virus that causes COVID 19.
https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/php/water.html https://www.pwtag.org/novel-coronavirus-covid-19-latest-information-2/
The service subscription that our stores offer, allows customers to save money and our franchisees to receive residual income all year round. If you want to work with luxury leisure products such as Swim Spas and Hot Tubs every day then consider an Award Leisure Franchise. Contact us today to find out more!