Our manuals have been designed to provide you with as much information as possible to enable you to achieve maximum results with 100% confidence. With our experienced franchise team, we provide Award Leisure franchise owners with a comprehensive training programme to understand all aspects of the business and help develop their core competencies. This is to ensure every franchisee gains the knowledge and understanding, skills and abilities to be successful.

Our training programme delivers, one to one training at our headquarters and largest product showroom with our team of award winning certified experts. On the job training out in the field to gain the highest level of knowledge and see how real-life situations and activities are handled. Throughout the programme we test your knowledge and learning using multiple choice questionnaires and acting out staged situations.

In addition to technical training, guidance and on-going support throughout our business systems, marketing methods, technical development and staff training. We will help you deliver a high-quality, professional service with that personal touch enabling you to win the loyalty and recommendation of clients throughout your territory.



Jessica Anthony

Development Manager for Award Leisure Franchise; offering luxury hot tubs swim spas & outdoor leisure products.
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